Benefits of a Travel Specialist

Benefits of a Travel Specialist
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Looking back, I remember how exhausting/stressful it was to research EVERYTHING, making sure nothing fell through the cracks, that I had my itinerary planned out exactly how I wanted it. And this would be in between jobs or early morning/late night researching. I never thought about looking into a travel specialist, and now that I am one, I cannot believe the benefits we offer! Here are some advantages you receive with us: 
πŸ’Ž YOU GET FREE SERVICE! Yes free! Many people are unaware that travel specialists are compensated by travel suppliers (hotels, resorts, cruise lines, car rentals etc) NOT by their clients. You will never pay any more for our personal service and expertise than you would to book your vacation yourself. 
πŸ’Ž YOU SAVE TIME. From my experience the average time I spent looking and comparing prices on booking engines and travel websites was 5+hours. It was a time sucker. In today's busy world, not many people have that much time to spare. You can simply delegate this task to a travel specialist while retaining the authority to make final selections and decisions. 
πŸ’Ž YOU GET THE BEST DEAL POSSIBLE. Travel specialists have access to pricing and insider information that is not available to the public. Maybe you found the best deal online, but only a travel specialist will know for sure! When planning a vacation or honeymoon, we carefully examine all our preferred partners/suppliers to find the best deal for your money. 
πŸ’Ž YOU CAN MAKE PAYMENTS IN INSTALLMENTS. When using an online travel site, you most likely pay everything up front. Most of our travel packages only require an initial deposit to confirm your reservation and additional payments can be made in installments. We can even arrange a custom payment that works well for you! This flexibility makes payments much easier. 
πŸ’Ž PERSONAL SERVICE. It can be very reassuring to finalize all the details of your trip with a person rather than with a robot from a booking engine. We want to make sure your vacation is everything you asked for and is a trip never to forget! 
πŸ’Ž DESTINATION KNOWLEDGE. When it comes to travel, there are so many options. We educate ourselves and uncover new destinations all the time, being the best resource to contact when looking to book unique places in the world. Not only do travel specialists travel the world as resource to their clients, but they have an abundance of other travel-related resources to answer your questions quickly and correctly. 
πŸ’Ž STRESS FREE! You can stop feeling overwhelmed when planning your vacation; travel specialists do all the work for you, carefully handpicking destinations and resorts that are most ideal for your unique preferences. While you are working at your job or taking care of your kids at home, we are living and breathing all things travel all day long, so we are familiar with the best options available to you! Let us relieve some extra stress off you! 
πŸ’Ž WE HAVE YOUR BACK! Travel specialists can educate you on critical issues that you might have overlooked, such as travel advisories or destination warning, layover time, and availability of travel insurance. We also check for best seat selections on the flight and request special perks/best rooms available within your budget. All these little things you may miss because, well, it's not something you do every day. 
I hope this was very informative and reassuring! You can book your own travels, but to save time and cost, a travel specialist is the way to go. Anytime you are ready to book your dream vacation, I am ready to assist you! And again, my service is FREE! I look forward to talking to you!

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